Speaker Introduction
Yi-Min Wu
Current Job
Director of CSC Corporation
1. Current Member, Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board, Environmental Protection Administration
2. Current Member, Air Pollution Control Fund Management Board, Environmental Protection Administration
3. Current Deputy Convenor, Committee on Environment & Work Safety, Chinese National Federation of Industries
4. Former Deputy Director and Section Chief, Environmental Protection Section, China Steel Corporation
5. Former Vice President, CHC Resources Corporation
6. Former Executive Secretary, Industrial Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee, Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association
Speech topic:
Carbon Reduction Pathway and hydrogen smelting vision of CSC
Speech content:

China Steel Corporation (CSC), the largest steel company in Taiwan, has been promoting energy saving and carbon reduction for a long time. In recent years, following the global trend of net-zero carbon emissions, it has established an Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction and Carbon Neutrality Workforce in 2021, with the chairman of the board as the head. The company has set a net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050 and carbon reduction targets in the short term (7% by 2025) and medium term (22% by 2030). The chairman of the board regularly supervises the progress.

Following the development direction of large international steel mills, CSC has planned to only use hydrogen to produce direct reduced iron (DRI) with electric arc furnace as its technology blueprint to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. In the meantime, CSC will use methods like enhancing energy efficiency, increasing the use of scrap steel in converters, adding reduced iron in blast furnaces, steel and chemical co-production, and replacing coal injection with hydrogen injection into blast furnaces as its pathways to achieve short-term and medium-term carbon reduction targets. Moreover, CSC will work together with the industry and academia to realize low-carbon blast furnaces by 2030, which could later be transformed into zero-carbon blast furnaces through CCS. In addition, the company could also directly adopt all-hydrogen smelting to achieve net-zero emissions.