Speaker Introduction
Peter Portheine
Current Job
Director of Brainport Smart District

1. Director of Brainport Smart District
2. Lid Raad van Advies Fontys FHEC- Fontys University of Applied Sciences
3. Strategic Adviser- Becamex IDC Vietnam
4. Co-Founder- Eindhoven International Project Office BV
Speech topic:
Brainport Triple Helix experience to accelerate circular and sustainable innovations in the construction market
Speech content:

Cities are facing mayor challenges to handle transitions related to Energy, Mobility, Circular Economy, and Healthcare. Different systems that require a more integrated approach in terms of designing and implementing these innovative solutions. No longer top-down innovations but co-creation in close liaison with (future) citizen. Brainport Eindhoven has taken these challenges to develop a living lab that allows real time experiments in a new neighborhood where new technological and social innovations can be applied and tested in close alignment with its community members. This offers private companies a unique opportunity to test prototypes on their way towards market introduction. This helps to expand the successful model of Triple-Helix for innovation.